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Dyeing Fabrics: Tips, Tricks And Guidelines

Author: name From: name Modify: Jun. 17, 2020
May. 14, 2021

Dyeing Fabrics: Tips, Tricks And Guidelines

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Natural fibers, such as cotton, hemp, silk, and wool, can absorb dyes better than synthetic fibers. Dyeing is an art and a science, so don't hesitate to experiment. For example, we like to combine liquid dyes to produce our own colors. In addition to cloth, you can also improve other items, soak them in the dye, and then record the color change of each item.

Dyeing fabric

You don't have to start with white clothes either-if you want to completely transform a colored garment, you can use a color remover(similar to bleach, but harmless) before dyeing. This will whiten or brighten the fabric so that it can be replaced with a new color.

1. If your clothes are new, you can wash them. Cover the work surface with drip cloth. Put very hot tap water or boiling water in a bucket, trash can, or stainless steel sink (large enough to hold the fabric loosely). (For wool, the water should be warm, not hot.) Put on rubber gloves, add liquid dyes, and tint as needed. If dyeing cotton or linen, add salt; if dyeing wool or silk, add white vinegar; the amount will depend on the size of the dye bath.

2. Thoroughly soak the fabric (you can evenly soak large pieces of fabric through the rinse cycle of the washing machine) and soak in the dye bath. Use a stainless steel spoon (or a wooden spoon used only for dyeing) to move the fabric in the water to avoid uneven dyeing. Keep the dye on for 5 to 15 minutes, stirring throughout. Make the fabric darker than you want, because it will fade slightly after rinsing and drying.

3. Carefully remove the fabric from the dye, then rinse with running water, first with warm water, and then let it cool down until it becomes clear. (You can also rinse the laundry in the washing cycle of the washing machine.) Immediately wash the bucket, trash can or sink.

4. Wash in a cold cycle with mild detergent, and then dry.

Tips and tricks

Custom colors

When you want your own eyeshadow, take a small dye bath first, which will not waste the dye, but also achieve the effect you want: pour the dye into hot water, in a large glass measuring cup. Try the color with paper towels. When you have the shade you want, increase the amount of bathing.

Surprise result

You never know how a material will dye a color. White napkins and off-white napkins may look different. Cutting and stitching can make the color different from the substrate. Although dyeing is a great way to bring faded old clothes back to life, it cannot remove or even cover stains.

For large projects

When we dye the bedding and tablecloths, we put a large plastic box (to catch dripping water) in the bathtub, and then let in the heated water from the stove. It is especially important to keep the fabric in motion in the dye bath; stir carefully with a long spoon, lift it up, and constantly redistribute it. When the items reach the desired color, we take them out, put them in another empty box, and then take them to the washing machine to rinse them in the rinsing cycle.

Wash dyed fabric

Wash the dyed clothes a few times before they are washed separately to prevent bleeding, or add an old white towel or socks to see if the dye will run off. Over time and repeated washing, the color of the dye may fade-but remember, you can dye it again.

Dyeing fabric

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